Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Greetings friends and everyone. Welcome to my page. I like movies. You like movies. Everyone you know likes movies to some degree or another. Some people like good movies. Some people like crappy movies. Who am I to judge? I’m the guy who’s writing this blog. That’s who I am to judge.

Over the course of the next long whenever, I will be posting my own personal movie reviews. I will watch new movies, old movies, expensive movies and independent movies. I will probably not watch any foreign movies, and I will probably not watch anything with Sandra Bullock in it. I’m sorry. Wait, I take that back. I might watch The Proposal, cause Ryan Reynolds is in that, and he’s a steaming pile of awesome wrapped in foil and blown up in a microwave. I’m not exaggerating.

This is not intended to be a moral judgment of the content of these movies. I will do my best to let you know what to expect if you have sensitive ears or eyes, and of course I will tell you whether or not a movie is worth watching. Cause this is my page.

I’ll tell you what I think about movies, you’ll read what I think about movies, and you’ll come to realize that my opinion is the only right one. If you think I’m wrong then, sorry, you’re wrong. Feel free to write and let me know how dumb you are for disagreeing with me.

Next; There’s a list of actors I hate. There’s also a couple of directors I hate. For the most part I’m able to look past this if the person in question has done a commendable job or whatever, but let’s be honest. What was the last good movie Tom Cruise made? Rainman? Tommy, your done. Sit back and enjoy the rest of your ride… and keep your mouth shut. Oh, and for the record JG. I'm sorry, that scene in Top Gun WAS a little gay. That's just the way it is.

What was the last good movie James Cameron directed? Terminator? If you said Titanic, punch yourself in the kidneys. Go ahead, do it. We’ll wait for you….

If you said Avatar, you may have a point. Avatar was all right. The problem comes when people who make “art” for a living start to think they should make political statements. DONE. I don’t care what you think about politics. I want to see a good movie. You want to see a good movie. Let’s not waste time on the political commentary. Lame. No one in history ever thought that they should turn to an artist for political advice. Why start now. That would be like Michaelangelo laying on his back on the top of his huge scaffold and he's right in the middle of painting the hand of God himself reaching out to touch man's hand on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and Michaelangelo looks at you standing down there on the floor looking up at him with a crick in your neck cause of how high up he is and he says to you, "Do you think I got the color right on this hand?" and if you rubbed your chin thoughtfully and said "I don't know, Mike. Jesus WAS a Community Leader! Maybe a little more neon pink in the fingernails, there."

You know what Michaelangelo would say to you? He'd say "Voi simpleton bumbling! Non avete idea di che cosa in nome di Taye Diggs state parlando! Ottenga via da questo posto della leggenda prima che lo induciate a sbriciolarti sotto il peso del vostro banality!"

Which means; "You bumbling simpleton! You have idea what in the name of Taye Diggs you are talking about! Get away from this place of legend before you cause it to crumble under the weight of your banality!" Because even hundreds of years ago the coming of Taye Diggs was foretold. His name was used then as a curse of only the most righteous intent.
Lastly, I am open to suggestions. If you hear about or have even seen a movie and you want to know what I would say about it, just ask. I’ll tell you.

On to the movies!!!

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